Yakima Child Support Lawyer

Bob Young

An Experienced Family Lawyer in Yakima Helping People with Issues Related to Child Support

The State of Washington – like all other states – requires both parents to support their children financially. As any parent knows, raising children is an expensive endeavor, and children deserve the best possible chance in life, which includes being well provided for on their journey toward adulthood. Child support is the state’s tool for ensuring that this financial responsibility is balanced between both parents in relation to how often each of them has the children and to the financial means of each. If you have a child support concern, a knowledgeable Yakima family law attorney can help.

Bob Young, Divorce Lawyer

State Calculation Guidelines

Child support in Washington is based on the state’s support schedule, and all of the following apply:

  • Child support is intended to meet children’s needs, including those for safe shelter, clothing, nutrition, medical care, and childcare.
  • Child support is predicated on both parents’ combined net incomes, and the basic support obligation is determined by applying the support schedule – which factors in the number of children and their ages – to the income total.
  • The parent with greater custodial responsibility (if the children live primarily with one parent) meets the basic support obligation by virtue of having custody.
  • Net income is one’s gross income after specific deductions have been taken. These deductions can include federal income tax, FICA, mandatory union dues, mandatory pension contributions (in some instances), certain deductions for self-employment, and various others.

Child Custody Example

Let’s consider an easy example. If a mother has primary custody and makes exactly the same amount of money as the other parent, her child support obligation will be 50 percent, and so will the other parent’s. If the amount of child support owed (based on the state’s schedule) is $1,000 per month, the mother’s half is considered covered (by custody), and the other parent owes the mother $500 a month in child support (half of the obligation total).

An Experienced Yakima Family Law Attorney Is on Your Side

If you have an issue with child support, the resourceful and responsive family law attorneys at Dobbs & Young in Yakima are committed to skillfully advocating for a resolution that upholds you and your children’s rights and best interests. We’re here to help you, so please don’t delay contacting or calling us at 509 577-9177 today.

Yakima Family Law Attorney


Your Family is Our #1 Priority